Universally Proven Tasks

Mar 26, 2024

I use the words “universally proven tasks” a lot.

This is because there are a series of proven tasks and behaviors that when adopted, guarantee and program your results.

For example, everyone knows that if you go to the gym and burn more calories than what you consume, you lose weight and get fit.

No one can deny that.

It’s math.

Calories in, calories out.

And you don’t even need to understand all the details.

Daily gym and calorie deficit.

That’s it.

Another universally proven task is to invest in boring investments like the S&P500 every month.

It’s proven that over time your money will grow.

Maybe you won’t get rich, but it works.

Another universally proven task is to post on social media.

Everyone knows that if you do it, and if you do it correctly, you generate sales.

If you don’t have the results you want, chances are you’re simply not doing the universally proven tasks, and you don’t truly need more new information.

You just need to do the tasks and adopt the proven behaviors.

Many times we think we need more information, and we constantly seek for that magic strategy, as a way to avoid doing the tasks.


Because the tasks generate temporary discomfort.

The tasks require work that doesn’t trigger quick dopamine like the dopamine you get on the Tik Tok and Instagram feed.

You have an energy expense in the short term, without seeing results immediately.

So even if you KNOW the universally proven tasks generate results, you don’t do them because the short term discomfort surpasses the desire to get the result.

It’s just the facts.

People that are overweight deep down would much rather be fit.

But they prefer to stay the way they are because the pain of waking up and going to the gym, and saying “no” to that doughnut, is much greater than their desire to be fit.

So deep down they quit on themselves and discard that option, and stay overweight all their life.

And they will continue justifying their lack of results with some type of excuse, like:

  • Lack of information
  • Lack of time
  • Lack of energy etc…

And in 99% of cases, those excuses are BS.

Same happens with the business.

People know what to do.

They need to post.

They need to test ads.

They need to build their personal brand.

But they don’t do it because of the “what if”.

“What if they think X about me?”

"What if it doesn’t work?"

The pain of the “what if” surpasses the desire to make money.

So just like in the weight loss example, they look for an alternative to justify the lack of action, which leads them to buying more and more courses to feel good with themselves that they are “learning”.

You could not know WHY the universally proven tasks work and still implement them…

And you will be ahead than 99% of people.


Let’s say right now you don’t fully understand why you need to post.

Why you need to hit the gym.

And why you need to invest every month on assets.


You still do it to the best of your ability.



Because the universe is results oriented.

It’s not intentions oriented.

You do the thing, and if you do it well, the universe gives you the outcome.

In that sense, it’s pretty black and white.

It does’t matter if you wanted to do it or not.

Or if you were fully informed about it.

The universe is like:

You hit the gym for 2 years every day you gave it all you got, and you were on a calorie deficit?

"Perfect, here’s your 6 pack.”

The universe truly works that way.

So right now you need to be fully honest with yourself.

Because you can’t lie to yourself.

And ask yourself if you’re executing the universally proven tasks.

If the answer is yes, then perfect. Be patient and you will succeed.

If the answer is no, then do them.

This “black and white” results oriented mindset will change your life.

Talk soon,

- Sebastian

P.S. In my programs I don’t teach you some recently discovered strategy that will change your life overnight. I teach principals that have worked for 10+ years. I go deep into the universally proven tasks and how to execute them correctly. The same that have worked for me. On top of that, I give you the accountability and access to the networking. That’s truly what I sell and what I believe you need to see results. If you want the new shiny thing, then chances are my programs are not for you.